Gas Fired

When creating pottery using gas-firing, it is possible to achieve a wide range of glazing effects on the same pot and on the clay itself. This is due to the uneven distribution of combustion results from the gas reacting with the clay and glazes throughout the kiln. Carbon compounds are especially influential in producing diverse effects on pottery. The flame path is visible on the pot, showing the direction it traveled towards the chimney.

Carbon compounds are especially influential in producing diverse effects on pottery.

Additionally, glazes can be applied selectively, leaving areas of bare clay that are affected by the flames and can add unique interest to the pot. It is worth noting that the gas-firing process creates an oxygen-starved environment, unlike electric kilns, which operate in typical atmospheric conditions. Your piece of pottery will have a mottled surface with more visual interest.

[Barrel Fired] [Raku] [Stoneware] [Wood Fired]